Ever wanted to have an online backup of 50 g.b ..
ADRIVE provides free online storage of 50 g.b for its users..
Check out its home page for more details...

A comparisons of 90+ online file storage services here..

But of all these i personally tried three...

  1. Esnips: Esnips provides 5 g.b of free online storage and is also a social networking groups..so you can share your files with your friends across network.. Pros:Free,Social Nettworking to explOffline uploader,Folders to organise stuff(public,private,shared to friends)
  2. Skydrive:Skydrive is offered as Windows Live service and has recently updated its space limit from 1 G.B. to 5 G.B of storage space.But while uploading files .Pros:free,secure and easy to share,Cons:there is no feedback for the user except the boring ball game and also there is no option to upload an entire directory
  3. ADrive:Adrive provides 50 g.b of space for free and has a java based interface to upload files and even directories and is easy to use..It also has very clean user interface..Pros:Massive 50 g.b of freespace ,2 g.b of maximum file size upload
However these are my opinion and explore these and find out the best one for your case...

Happy online backups.......